New dues rates for ABA members announced

At the ABA Midyear Meeting on Monday, the House of Delegates overwhelmingly approved a new member dues structure that will go into effect on Sept. 1.

In Resolution 177C and its report, the Board of Governors recommends an increase in general member dues rates to “maintain the financial stability of the association and invest in our membership products,” such as its website and CLE platform. The Board began discussing potential changes to Fiscal Year 2025 dues rates last fall and approved the revised structure to counter significantly declining revenue over the past decade.

The House provided the final approval for new member dues rates, which include five price points for lawyers depending on their experience:

• $120: For members practicing less than five years.

• $195: For members practicing between five and nine years.

• $295: For members practicing between 10 and 14 years.

• $395: For members practicing between 15 and 19 years.

• $495: For members practicing 20 or more years.

Under the new structure, government attorneys, nonprofit and public interest attorneys, judges, solo practitioners, small firm lawyers, retirees, international lawyers and affiliated professionals will pay $195 in dues. Paralegals will pay $120. Members who qualify for multiple categories will pay the lowest amount.

“We face challenges,” said Frank “Fritz” Langrock, treasurer of the ABA, who introduced the resolution. “We also have opportunities for the ABA to advance our goals and be a better advocate for the profession. This dues increase will allow the ABA to continue to focus on advancing the member experience for current and future members.”



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